Towards Security-aware Mutation Testing
Jan 1, 2017·
0 min read
Thomas Loise

Xavier Devroey
Gilles Perrouin
Mike Papadakis
Patrick Heymans
Mutation analysis forms a popular software analysis technique that has been demonstrated to be useful in supporting multiple software engineering activities. Yet, the use of mutation analysis in tackling security issues has received little attention. In view of this, we design security aware mutation operators to support mutation analysis. Using a known set of common security vulnerability patterns, we introduce 15 security-aware mutation operators for Java. We then implement them in the PIT mutation engine and evaluate them. Our preliminary results demonstrate that standard PIT operators are unlikely to introduce vulnerabilities similar to ours. We also show that our security-aware mutation operators are indeed applicable and prevalent on open source projects, providing evidence that mutation analysis can support security testing activities.
Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (MUTATION@ICST ‘17), IEEE Tenth International Conference on