Poster : VIBeS , Transition System Mutation Made Easy

Jan 1, 2015·
Xavier Devroey
Xavier Devroey
Gilles Perrouin
Pierre-Yves Schobbens
Patrick Heymans
· 0 min read
Mutation testing is an established technique used to evaluate the quality of a set of test cases. As model-based testing took momentum, mutation techniques were lifted to the model level. However, as for code mutation analysis, assessing test cases on a large set of mutants can be costly. In this paper, we introduce the Variability-Intensive Behavioural teSting (VIBeS) framework. Relying on Featured Transition Systems (FTSs), we represent all possible mutants in a single model constrained by a feature model for mutant (in)activation. This allow to assess all mutants in a single test case execution. We present VIBeS implementation steps and the DSL we defined to ease model-based mutation analysis.
Proceeding of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015)