Coverage Criteria for Behavioural Testing of Software Product Lines
Jan 1, 2014·
0 min read

Xavier Devroey
Gilles Perrouin
Axel Legay
Maxime Cordy
Pierre-Yves Schobbens
Patrick Heymans
Featured Transition Systems (FTS) is a mathematical structure to represent the behaviour of software product line in a concise way. The combination of the well-known transition systems approach to formal behavioural modelling with feature expressions was pivotal to the design of efficient verification approaches. Such approaches indeed avoid to consider products’ behaviour independently, leading to often exponential savings. Building on this successful structure, we lay the foundations of model-based testing approach to SPLs. We define several FTS-aware coverage criteria and report on our experience combining FTS with usage-based testing for configurable websites.
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Technologies for Mastering Change (ISoLA ‘14)