Featured Transition Systems

Behavioural model-based testing of software product lines

SPL engineering is a sub-discipline of software engineering based on the idea that products of the same family can be built by systematically reusing assets, some of them being common to all members whereas others are only shared by a subset of the …

On Featured Transition Systems

Software Product Lines (SPLs) are families of similar software products built from a common set of features. As the number of products of an SPL is potentially exponential in the number of its features, analysing SPLs is harder than for single …

Featured model-based mutation analysis

Model-based mutation analysis is a powerful but expensive testing technique. We tackle this problem by proposing an optimization technique that drastically speeds up the mutant execution process. Central to this approach is the Featured Mutant Model, …

Search-based Similarity-driven Behavioural SPL Testing

Dissimilar test cases have been proven to be effective to reveal faults in software systems. In the Software Product Line (SPL) context, this criterion has been applied successfully to mimic combinatorial interaction testing in an efficient and …

Covering SPL Behaviour with Sampled Configurations: An Initial Assessment

Structural approaches to Software Product Lines (SPL) testing (such as pairwise testing) have gained momentum as they are able to scale to larger SPLs described as feature diagrams (FD). However, these methods are agnostic with respect to behaviour: …

A Variability Perspective of Mutation Analysis

Mutation testing is an effective technique for either improving or generating fault-finding test suites. It creates defective or incorrect program artifacts of the program under test and evaluates the ability of test suites to reveal them. Despite …